How much time do you spend entering the same information in multiple systems year after year over the course of the life of a client?
How much time and money you would save if you could eliminate costly redundant data entry?
Consider both the hard and soft costs of this redundant data entry; it adds up.
Today, when a member makes an election in BerniePortal an email is sent to the broker with a copy of the digitally signed election sheet. The broker must then save the pdf election sheet, create a new contact record or update the member information in their CRM, and create a follow up task to ensure the transaction is completed by the carrier.

Now, there is a better way and at a fraction of the cost.
We are excited to announce that BerniePortal and BenefitsGuide have developed an integration that allows real time updates from BerniePortal’s online benefit administration platform to the BenefitsGuide insurance agency management system.

Not only can you use the "Bernie Button" in BenefitsGuide to complete the Bernie Build Out Form and Census file, now elections made online during the enrollment process in BerniePortal are automatically created in BenefitsGuide as Member Transactions related to the correct Contact and Plan records.
As if that wasn’t enough, workflow tasks related to the Member Transaction are automatically created and assigned to the person on your team responsible for communicating the election to the different insurance carriers.
When these tasks are completed, you have the option for BenefitsGuide to automatically send two emails; one to the member with information about plan benefits, forms needed for plan administration, links to provider networks, information about value added services and more. A separate email is sent to the group benefit administrator confirming receipt of the application, setting realistic expectations and providing information about the billing.