Save Time, Make More Money
Use BenefitsGuide to manage all of the information about your clients and prospects and all the work that you do in one centralized place; prospects and clients, Accounts and Contacts, notes and follow up tasks, email and calendar, plan information for all lines of coverage, and a library of all the different Products you sell, Member Transactions, RFP, Claims Advocacy.
Centralized Database For All Your Information and Tasks
We have modeled into BenefitsGuide the "One Card" or "Tickler Card" file system allowing you to manage your sales effort using a familiar methodology. You can easily discern between "hard" and "soft" call backs. Custom List views allow you to filter and sort your "sales call list" as needed.
Easily Discern Between Hard and Soft Call Backs
As part of each implementation, we take time to document your existing business processes and model them into the BenefitsGuide task based methodology. Typical workflow processes include Renewals, RFP Marketing, New Plan Setup, Plan Change, BOR, Member Transactions, Claims Advocacy, Open Enrollment Meeting, ACA Compliance, etc.
WORKFLOW AUTOMATIONTasks Are Automatically Created and Assigned Based On Your Business Rules
Manage employees, check status of ongoing work, re-allocate workload, monitor workflow progress, and identify good prospects with the wizard based reporting. Use the Dashboards for an overview of your business at a glance or click into any report to see the details.
Schedule Dashboards To Automatically Refresh and Email
Since we are 100% native to, should you wish to build upon BenefitsGuide, with over 2900 Apps available on the Salesforce AppExchange you will almost certainly find one that satisfies your business requirement.
You also have the ability to construct Web service client applications that use standard Web service protocol to create, retrieve, update, or delete records in BenefitsGuide from any external system that supports SOAP-based Web services, such as Java, .NET, or PHP client applications. With more than 20 different calls, the API also allows you to maintain passwords, perform searches, retrieve metadata information about objects and more. Use the API in any language that supports Web services.
Over 3400 Apps Available on the AppExchange
Uphill Lane, Woodbury, NY
Inbound Performance Template by SmartBug Media. Copyright 2024.
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