BenefitsGuide now includes an AI robot, named George, that automates the role of the middle manager.

What does George do?
As a middle manager, George spends time reviewing and analyzing reports to make sure that your employees are performing well, being productive, and following best practices. George then uses that analysis to give feedback to you and your employees.
George monitors specific metrics based on your business rules for all of your employees, then compares their work to your expectations. Then, on your schedule, George automatically communicates with your employees by email to either acknowledge a job well done, or to direct your employees to take specific action to meet your expectations.
If George were a mere mortal, he would only be able to provide this personal attention to a handful of his underlings daily.
However, George is a robot with Artificial Intelligence.
George eliminates virtually all the time you were spending manually overseeing just a few of your employees.
George provides consistent and incredibly detailed oversight, analysis, and email directions daily to all of your employees; the key word being consistent.
Over a short period of time, with George’s oversight, analysis and instructions, along with your enforcement of George’s messaging, your employees will use the task system more effectively. Your employees will be more organized, better at prioritization, and more productive.
As a good sales manager, you might ‘‘require’ that your sales people make a minimum number of sales calls to prospective clients each day.
George might look at the number of sales calls made daily at 3pm. If expectations for a productive day have not been met, George would instruct the salesperson to make more sales calls or take other corrective actions. Likewise, if expectations for a productive day have been satisfied, George would acknowledge this success with a congratulatory email.
As a good office manager, you might require that your client service team, consistently maintain their task list so that it is up to date and accurate.
To prevent any client service work from falling through the cracks, George might monitor each person's task list to make sure that there are no open tasks more than two days overdue, or tasks updated more than three times without being completed.
George can help to manage your sales and client service teams more closely and consistently than an army of middle managers.
At the risk of sounding repetitive, over a short period of time, with George’s oversight, analysis and instructions, along with your enforcement of George’s messaging, your employees will use the task system more effectively. Your employees will be more organized, better at prioritization, and more productive.