Think of it as "all you can eat leads" for $20 a month.
It is a tool that allows you to search our national database of businesses that have recently filed the Federal Tax Form 5500, select the records that you want, and click to import the Account, Contacts, Tax Filing and all the related Schedules to your instance of Salesforce.
Identify businesses that you would like to target then import those Account, Contacts, Form 5500 Tax Filings and all the related Schedules directly into your instance of Salesforce with a click. You can even view or download a pdf of the filed Form 5500 from any Tax Filing record.
The information inserted into Salesforce includes every field from the Form 5500 and all the related Schedules.
Once imported, you can build list views and reports to filter by any field on the Account, Contact, or Tax Filing and Schedules found on the Federal Tax filing.
Use BenefitsGuide: Business Listings to identify:
the right people to contact
businesses that may be overpaying commissions
how much the opportunity may be worth to you and is it even worth pursuing?
businesses that work with a 'weak' broker
Finding new business opportunities is always just a few clicks away with the all new BenefitsGuide: Business Listings.